The edible canna, tastes like potato and easier to grow, a lot less disease than potato that’s for sure. Can be eaten both raw, cooked, and dried and is easily digested. After drying flour can be made from the rhizomes and is great for thickening and baking. The young green shoots can be eaten as a green vegetable.
If you live in an almost frost free area this plant is a must (will handle light frost), not only can you eat the tubers (young is best) you can eat the leaves as well. And the animals will love the leaves and their high protein content. The leaves also make a great mulch around the garden and composts well.
Plant in lots of spots around the yard so they are handy when you need mulch and so you have plenty of tubers to eat, they can be harvested at any time of year.
Plant anywhere as it will handle drought and water logging and survive almost anywhere, but arrowroot is best planted in deep moist soil in a sunny spot if you want big tender tubers to eat.
Arrowroot is also handy if you need a quick screen a great tropical looking plant that has many uses, another great multi-purpose plant. Another ancient Inca food crop that has stood the test of time.
Canna edulis Arrowroot; Edible tuber for sale
What you get – tuber with about 3 shoots, depending on size, they need to fit in a 500gm postal pack
These items are located in Kyogle, NSW Australia and can be purchase when available from this link.